Big Cypress Swamp: the Western Everglades| 57mins
Director: Elam Stoltzfus | Producer: Elam Stoltzfus
Focus Years: 2009 | Country: United States
Featuring the Big Cypress National Preserve and surrounding public and managed lands, producer/director Elam Stoltzfus was joined with many of the public land managers, local experts, hunters, orchid lovers, artists and many great people for this film. The expedition across the swamp in airboats, hiking, mucking about, aerial views, canoes and swamp buggies gave the HD video crew ample opportunities to capture breathtaking images. It is a collection of stories on how the Big Cypress Swamp preservation almost didn’t happen, how the lands are currently being managed, an overview of animal behaviors, stunning landscape scenes and a cacophony of sounds blended into a musical score.
Big Cypress Swamp: the Western Everglades
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