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Global Voice, by & for The Feminine! Listen Now!
Her Workers, Weavers & Warriors! Listen them talk!
Jane Royston
Ethical entrepreneurship: Doing well by doing good | Jane Royston
Nominated Swiss Business Woman of the Year in 1993, Jane Royston revisits the journey that led her to become one of the...
TED Ideas Worth Spreading
How to Tap into Your Awareness
Meditation asks you to slip into a state of serene presence. But why does something that sounds effortless often feel so...
Bioneers Org
Daughters for Earth: Women and the Climate Change Movement
Women all over the globe, especially in the “developing world,” are the ones who most often bear the brunt of having...
TED Ideas Worth Spreading
Consciously Reclaiming the Feminine & Masculine Within Each of Us
In this talk, Sarah Poet, M.Ed explores the reclamation of the sacred feminine and masculine archetypes within each...
TED Ideas Worth Spreading
When My Masculine Met My Feminine
Tijana Tamburic is a storyteller, a tough freelancer and the co-founder of Female Narratives. Moreover, she is a female...
Bioneers Org
Gender Equity and Reconciliation - Cynthia Brix, William Keepin, Zanele Khumalo
This video is part of a series called "Seeding the Field: 30 Years of Transformative Solutions," which celebrates some...
TED Ideas Worth Spreading
You Don't Find Happiness, You Create It
Why is it so hard to find that life of meaning, and connection, and happiness we long for? Why can't we just live in our...
Ramesh Lal Bijlani
Four Aspects of the Mother: a talk by Ramesh Bijlani
In his very powerful booklet, ‘The Mother’, Sri Aurobindo has described the Powers and Personalities of the four...