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Fuel| 1hr : 52mins
Director: Josh Tickell | Producer: Rebecca Harrell Tickell
Focus Years: 2008 | Country: United States
Subject Tags: americas, energy, environment, resources, united states
Quality Tags: Optimistic, Slow, Activating, Harmonizing
Josh Tickell's stirring, radical and multi-award winning "Fuel" may be known by some as the "little energy documentary," but in truth, it's a powerful portrait of America's overwhelming addiction to, and reliance on, oil. Having been born and raised in one of the U.S.A.'s most oil producing regions, he saw firsthand how the industry controls, deceives and damages the country, its people and the environment, and after one too many people he knew became sick, Tickell knew he just couldn't idly stand by any longer. He decided to make a film, focusing both on the knowledge and insight he discovered, but also giving hope that solutions are at reach. A "regular guy" who felt he could make a difference, he spent 11 years making his movie, showing himself - and others - that an individual can indeed make a difference.

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Green Planet Productions

United States


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