Spiritual Reality| 57mins
Director: Space | Producer: Space
Focus Years: 2005 | Country: India
Spiritual Reality is a clear visual explanation of meditation and meditative experiences with world class animations. For the first time, Spiritual Truths have been given a stunning visual form through cutting edge technology. Spiritual Reality explains the process of Meditation and highest Meditative Experience, including Cosmic Energy, Pyramid Meditation, Third Eye, Astral Travel, Nirvana, Knowledge of Spirit, Knowledge of Life after Life and the state of Enlightenment.
Spiritual Reality is the out come of decades of Spiritual Research by the Spiritual Masters of SPACE. Spiritual Reality takes you through a unique journey: A journey which will change your life, a journey which will enrich you and make you Knowledgeable and Blissful.
Spiritual Reality
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- Astral Projection
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- Higher Consciousness
- Human Evolution
- Integral Consciousness
- Integral Psychology
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- Astral Projection
- Meaning of Life
- Perception
- Third Eye
- Afterlife
- Belief
- Biocultural Evolution
- Collective Consciousness
- Consciousness
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- Cultural Creatives
- Divinity
- Enlightenment
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