The Moon Inside You| 1hr : 14mins
Director: Diana Fabiánová | Producer: Jerónimo Molero
Focus Years: 2009 | Country: Spain
Like many other women, Diana has been suffering from problematic periods for years. With every new cycle, the same question arises: “Why the pain and annoyance if I am healthy?†Her initial innocent curiosity sparks off an emotional voyage to the very roots of femininity and life. "Moon Inside You" is a fresh look at a taboo that defines the political and social reality of both women and men in a more profound way than society might be willing to admit. Facing the menstrual etiquette with doses of humour and self-irony, the documentary approaches the subject through both personal and collective references, thus challenging our preconceived idea of womanhood.
The Moon Inside You
1hr : 14mins
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