Don't Forget to Remember Me. A Day in the Life of Indonesia :
Director: Henk Schulte Nordholt & Fridus Steijlen
Producer: Henk Schulte Nordholt & Fridus Steijlen
Genre: Documentary
Produced In: 2008 Story Teller's Country: Netherlands
Producer: Henk Schulte Nordholt & Fridus Steijlen
Genre: Documentary
Produced In: 2008 Story Teller's Country: Netherlands
Synopsis: The documentary is a result of the audiovisual project "Recording the Future". It shows glimpses of everyday life throughout the Indonesian archipelago. Recordings were made between 2003 and 2006 in Jakarta (bustling capital), Kawal (fishing community on the island of Bintan), Payakumbuh (quiet trading town West Sumatra), Delanggu (central Javanese village), Sintang (at the congruence of two rivers in west Kalimantan), Bittuang (hiltop marketplace in South Sulawesi), Ternate (administratative centre in East Indonesia) and Surabaya (centra of trade, industry and transport).