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Opening Film: We Speak, Here 2012| 10mins
Director: CultureUnplugged | Producer: CultureUnplugged
Focus Years: 2012 | Country: United States
Subject Tags: asia, culture, gender, global, human body, india, psychology, race, relationships
Quality Tags: Optimistic, Slow, Activating, Harmonizing
spoken here / the language of love / for life, from life / deep within the form human. ///
expressions multicolored / subconscious to conscious / seen from the eye / of a brother, a sister,
a friend. //// narrated from us all / stories of what / drives, responds & transcends / the self - vital,
physical, psycho-cerebral. /// stories of vistas, rich & beautiful / with emotions &
contemplations / familiar & foreign / intimate moments of desires, impulses & intuitions /
wombed spaces of reactions, responses & recoveries / grand seduction of dramas & dreams /
all designed to yoke the core to spiraling chakra of life / all leading to discover the divine den /
within you, me, him, her - / us, opening skyward to witness /
the journey / of being and becoming. ////

Above: an excerpt from the poetic expression of "what is: We speak, Here."
We speak, Here : This film festival aspires to bring intimate stories about/from the life of an individual
a personal anecdote on observing, waking, healing or transforming the self the myriad expressions,
dark & light, of human mind, body & soul, as a response to life within & without. The festival hopes to
inspire us all to reflect on human life & its journey so far, and search for our individual purpose that can
guide the legend we are to create & contribute to our humanity. Here, we explore the personal film/
story with we wishing to know you, him or her as me.

Discover films on : The beauty & challenge within and its extension into personal relationships; Present
viewpoints/values on intimacy, relationships, family structures and new ideas/visions about its evolutionary
future; Documented case-studies of expressive art therapy; Individual's bio-psycho-spiritual health
challenges (life experienced through or above it) and stories of recoveries, transformation, transcendence.

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The online film archive supports schools, universities, NGOs and other civil-service organizations across the globe on the principle of gift-economy. Watch films (documentaries, short films, talks & more) and promote filmmakers. Join this community of soulful storytellers from myriad cultures, in their mission to promote global consciousness. Empower their willful hearts, who see the future to be united and harmonious, who aspire for the wellbeing of all. Support learning about the ‘self’, culture, nature and the eternal soul – the evolution of life.
Support the humanity in the process of becoming ‘that’...

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Promoting our collective consciousness through stories from across the planet!

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