In Her chest
She gathers the soul-sparkles
The beings and becoming children of Dawn
Incubating seen unseen events
In Her womb!
She’s seen springing in downward sprite
Clad in Kali’s smile
Penetrating the home of the mortals!
Armed with Love’s warriors
Faiths and Will
She has landed here among us
With the word from Ether
To make the final master strokes
On ‘the canvas’ crowded by face o’ chaos…
Her ethereal strokes in countless colors, each for each
To mutate ‘the frame’ into a farm of infinity
Which flowers simplicity, serenity, singularity
Whence His knowledge is unveiled by Faiths
Her action, unfolded by Will.

A realization, arrived in 2005…
What we do matters, but how we do matters more. Individuality matters, but universality matters more. Idealism matters, but humanity matters more. Past & post matters, but present matters more. Product matters, but vision matters more. Process matters, but creativity matters more. Words & images matters, but the whole experience must matter most.
‘Culture Unplugged’ is not just a name of a brand, a studio or a festival; it is a mission, a vision and an aspiration to facilitate integration of disparate parts of the self - the ‘self’ that pervades all - the human, the earth, the cosmos and beyond. It aspires to promote the unity of the global human society and harmony among our ways of seeing and being. It aims to achieve this primarily by leveraging the power of new media/technologies and the art of story-telling; and allow the effort to self-extend to offline events, actions and new designs. But above all, achieve the mission by being the seeker of truth ‘herself’ on the journey ‘her’ vision charts ahead - not just be an organization, but be the way of being - as referred here as ‘She’.
What is
This platform debuted in May 2007 with Asia + Middle East's first online festival, "East Speaks, Here" (May-December 2008) followed by eighteen festivals since then. presents short length + feature length documentary / film content from independent film-makers and grassroot productions to a global audience, to not only promote the art of film-making, but above all to spread awareness and promote the collective contemplation over global/local challenges. It is an online venue that has hosted from 2008 to 2016, two 6-months-long festivals with themes such as: "We Speak, Here", "Humanity Explored", "Green Unplugged" and "Spirit Enlightened”. This platform also hosted a special screening event organized on the spur, in the wake of the pandemic crisis in March-April 2020, and another in 2021-2022, at the onset of the war. After serving for 15 years, in 2023 this platform is rejuvenated with new face, form and the force.
Culture Unplugged film-screening events have supported the awakening-global-citizenry in their quest to contemplate on the present existential form of individual being, the current evolutionary stage of humanity, the laws of nature, and conditions of the environment, as well as the Ultimate Truth — the ever-evolving Spirit or Consciousness.
All films-screening events have been non-commercial, inclusive, and freely accessible to global audiences. To date, this venue has welcomed millions of citizens from 36000+ cities across 190+ countries. Along with the online screening events, this venue has built an open film-archive, which has been built over the last 14 years, and hosts the films produced during the last 81 years of humanity's evolutionary journey. This archive serves on the principle of gift economy and is supported by global audience which primarily consists of teachers, professors, students, activists, journalists, writers, researchers and producers.
Culture Unplugged has become one of the largest and pioneering global community of storytellers, hosting and supporting diverse stories, visions, voices and their audiences. With passionate contributors across continents, this platform has been dedicated to bring authentic voices of diverse cultures to an open and global platform — voices that need to be felt and understood, stories and films that connect people from different parts of the world. In other words, this effort is an offering of a media platform, where global citizens gather to witness, contemplate and evolve our collective consciousness.
In brief, Culture Unplugged in its first phase of evolution has existed by and for the global community of conscious storytellers, culture explorers, and world citizens, to reflect on issues and life experiences in the contemporary world. It has served as a new media studio primarily focused on promoting socially & spiritually sensitive stories/films that does not merely express but pulsate to energize, enchant, enlighten, engage, embrace and evolve the humanity in us all.
With gratitude, a bow to our
Learn about current and future path:
What is next?
Culture Unplugged platform went into hibernation mode just few years before 2020, in order to introspect, contemplate and create the next version of its service — an appropriate platform designed for the current times, for the direction of human evolution, and for the needs of its creative community and conscious participants across the globe. With few impromptu screening events organized in the wake of global challenges of pandemic and war, it has now debuted with the new face and is in the midst of gathering new community around upcoming festival.
Not in news :
Culture Unplugged has consciously chosen to not make any efforts or take any active initiative to publicize its efforts through media/PR channels, nor participate in special events to self-promote. We believe and hope the citizens across the globe will continue to discover this mission organically. This platform and the effort belong to all storytellers, artists, producers, viewers, evolutionary panel members, organizations, and institutions who have joined the platform to freely-share and actualize the mutual vision/mission for our collective evolution.
Inner Workings :
To assure the freedom and soulfulness in its operation and to stay tuned to the truth behind its service, the Culture Unplugged mission has been supported and funded by the independent/personal fund of a private citizen. After being sponsored privately for the last 15 years, now it is ready to gather resources for the new phase of its service, with the same soulfulness and commitment to its mission. It hopes to gather resources from and with like-spirited, enlightened, global comrades, and by leveraging the efforts made in the first phase of its service.
For the contributing team, Culture Unplugged mission invokes and invites exploration, experimentation, innovation, or creation through live meditation — organic play of the creative ‘being' is the truth & the faith, which it aspires to pursue through each authentic contributor and participating member in its present as well as future services. Keeping its inner-self/existence true & pure is its duty-bound pledge. Embracing all is its fundamental precept.
Our Contact :
To join or inquire about this mission / organization :
To become part of the festival-team or to contribute in-kind :
Global Locations: ASIA | AMERICA | EUROPE
With gratitude, a bow to partners
The Mission & Manifestation :
Film Festivals :
Culture Unplugged Festivals pioneered its first online film-festival which was organized in 2007 and debuted in May 2008. This effort has been supported by millions of global citizens, 15000+ storytellers from 146 countries, 60+ evolutionaries, and 50+ organizations & institutions from across the diverse humanity.
Culture Unplugged’s online venue has hosted 16 festivals from 2008 to 2016: two 6-months-long film-festivals every year with themes ‘We Speak, Here', ‘Humanity Explored’,'Green Unplugged’ and ‘Spirit Enlightened’. Last year, it hosted a special screening event in March-April 2020, organized and launched on the spur in the wake of the pandemic crisis.
The festivals present documentaries and films from independent film-makers and grassroot productions to the global audience. They aim to not only promote the art of film-making, but above all to raise human consciousness through collective contemplation over global and local socio-cultural challenges experienced across humanity – promoting contemplation on our response to the present crisis.
Film Archive :
Culture Unplugged film-archive, which has been built over the last 14 years, has become a truly independent, global, inclusive, non-commercial and an open documentary-archive. It hosts the documentaries/films produced during the last 81 years of humanity's evolutionary journey, and is visited by the truth-seeking global audience which includes teachers, professors, students, activists, journalists, researchers, writers, producers, distributors, TV networks and indie film-festivals.
Culture Unplugged film-archive supports the awakening-global-citizenry in their quest to contemplate on the present existential form of individual being, the current evolutionary stage of humanity, the laws of nature and conditions of environment, as well as the Ultimate Truth — the ever-evolving Spirit or Consciousness.
To participate in this archive, please submit your film/documentary here:
Human Wellness and Transformation:
As the result of a deep contemplation over life and evolutionary direction of humanity, the further path of Culture Unplugged mission was charted. The vision crafted on this path has evolved into an offering that focuses on scientific research and serves in the field of healing and transformation!
Culture Unplugged is engaged in sharpening its focus on the fundamental principles of life, wellbeing and the consciousness evolving through different stages and dimensions of individual, collective and the cosmic 'Existence'. It aspires to explore new applications of healing and transformation for not only the inner life of human beings, but also aspires to explore and work towards the Integral Harmony founded upon and by 'The Field', which may offer a clear context of an individual, in the matrix of life at large!
Community :
In the fifth year of its existence, Culture Unplugged began to pursue its dream to explore a live-work community – envisioned to become the womb that incubates a larger dream of life through resident artists, storytellers, scientists, healers, farmers and followers. At present, the community is in the re-discovery and developmental mode, exploring 'self' in silence and solitude. An inner hush invoked by the lush green vegetation, the quiet neighborhood and the beauty of nature near the equator, is a blessing which sponsors a dynamic meditation for the community. Culture Unplugged community is nothing but a humble opportunity, which allows its members to play their part and serve the local neighborhood as well as the global human society.
Culture Unplugged mission aspires to incubate not only a local community but also the virtual community. In the upcoming future, it hopes to launch the new face of the virtual community, which is committed to support the power and voice of humanity’s soul via the medium of Integral storytelling – sponsor a way of seeing, being, living and belonging, which could lead the human potential in a direction that midwifes the birth of our humanity into the coveted future!
Global Locations :
Culture Unplugged Studios
c/o Martha Montiel
3649 Evergreen Pkwy #3999
Evergreen, CO 80439, USA
Culture Unplugged Studios
c/o Martha Montiel
P.O. BOX 3999
Evergreen, CO 80439, USA