The Reindeer People| 26mins
Director: Olga Vershinina | Producer: Sergey Yastrzhembskiy
Focus Years: 2011 | Country: Russian Federation
The Chukchi reindeer breeders are peculiar people. They are nomads. Reindeer are their welfare, their purport of life. The mother-reindeer is the main divine being; it protects the Chukchi from misfortune and troubles.
Nature is not friendly towards the people in this place. Only the Chukchi can survive on the tundra. A rush period for the Chukchi reindeer breeders comes in winter, when the temperature drops to -50C at night and during the day it will not exceed -40C. The Chukchis have to separate young deers from the rest of the herd, the weak from the strong. The herds of the Chukchi reindeer breeders number over thousand heads.
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The Reindeer People
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