Voices of the Mission| 17mins
Director: WITNESS, DHESCBrasil | Producer: WITNESS, DHESCBrasil
Focus Years: 2011 | Country: United States
On May 18th to 20th 2011, the Brazilian human rights network Plataforma Dhesca Brasil organized a 3-day mission in Rio de Janeiro to investigate the impacts of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics on communities facing forced eviction from their homes and lands.
These are the "Voices of the Mission." In this video, residents of Morro da Providência, known as the first favela of Rio and founded by slaves, tell us about the lack of information they've received about what's going to be done in the community even though an estimated 1,700 have already been marked by the local government for demolition.
The mission was led by Plataforma Dhesca's Rapporteur on the human right to the city, Orlando Silva Jr., and counted on the participation of 12 additional organizations, including:
Comitê Popular da Copa e das OlimpÃadas do Rio de Janeiro
Conselho Popular do Rio de Janeiro
Pastoral de Favelas
Fórum Nacional da Reforma Urbana - FNRU
Central de Movimentos Populares - CMP
Movimento Nacional de Luta pela Moradia - MNLM
Comissão de Direitos Humanos da Alerj
Grupo de Trabalho - GT Conflitos do Conselho das Cidades
Rede Contra Violência
Laboratório Estado, Trabalho, Território e Natureza - ETTERN - IPPUR/UFRJ
Observatório das Metrópoles / IPPUR-UFRJ
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Voices of the Mission
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