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CasaSito| 24mins
Director: Aisha Reyes | Producer: Emily Cahill
Focus Years: 2011 | Country: United States
Subject Tags: americas, communication, culture, education, guatemala, peace
Quality Tags: Optimistic, Slow, Activating, Harmonizing
Across Guatemala, many children do not receive a quality education. Sometimes this is due to a lack of resources or ability on the part of the schools. Oftentimes, children are needed to work on the farm or plantation so that families can raise what they need to survive. Based in Antigua, Guatemala, CasaSito is a small organization that helps channel funds to support schools in surrounding villages so that they have resources to provide education to local kids, as well as healthy meals to make up for dietary elements missing at home. Going further, CasaSito also sponsors capable youth to further their education and also hosts events that gather like-minded organizations together to raise awareness of their work.
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Robin Canfield

United States


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