Hill Kharia Tribe of Orissa| 26mins
Director: Dasmati Chattar | Producer: Momentous Production
Focus Years: 2007 | Country: India
Mayurbhanj district of Orissa is famous for its dense and Sal forest in not only in India but also in Asia. Its scenic beauty looks very enchanting from the Meghasini hill top of Similipal. It seems as if the whole world has been engulfed by this green plant kingdom. No part of this jungle is visible up to the horizon far beyond the stretch of one's vision.People who live in this jungle belong to a primitive tribe of Orissa known as Hill Kharia. In this money making world, There is a threat to their traditional life style and ritual and culture. In the rat race for competing for rapid progress and prosperity, this primitive tribe is often feeling like a fish out of water when confronted with some clever and cunning counter parts in the context of so called participatory planning and decision making process. Still they have to arise, awake and stop not till their goal is reached. They have to survive with dignity and self respect. They need our sympathetic helping hand to bear smile on their faces. This is perhaps the only course for building a harmonious society which will be sustainable both economically, politically, ethically and monetarily.
Hill Kharia Tribe of Orissa
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