Bad Medicine | 45mins
Director: Pat Rattigan | Producer: BAVA
Focus Years: 2007 | Country: United Kingdom
DOC: The damage to the planet and all of its inhabitants from the deluge of drugs, vaccines, pesticides, herbicides, solvents, tars, detergents and the other thousands of medical, agricultural, military synthetics which have been marketed after fraudulent tests on animals.
The cancer racket and the media agents, trying to pass themselves off as "science/medical" editors/correspondents.
Bad Medicine
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- Ethical Dilemma
- Ethics
- Ethics Of Care
- Ethics of Eating Meat
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- History Of Science
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- Agronomy
- Ayurveda
- Conservation Ethics
- Contemporary Ethics
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- Environmental Ethics
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- Epidemiology
- Ethical Dilemma
- Ethics
- Ethics Of Care
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