Sachamama| 41mins
Director: Johannes Orthmayr | Producer: Johannes Orthmayr
Focus Years: 2010 | Country: Germany
Francisco Montes is a Capanahua Native American. For 20 years, he has led the spiritual centre "Sachamama" in the Peruvian rainforest. Together with Rachel Willay, who has been living and studying at the centre for 6 years, he offers interested people from all over the world an insight in Amazonian shaman rituals and leads his students through the world of plants and their spirits. The main goal of this documentary is to provide information about the centre and to set up an informative base about the medicinal plant ayahuasca.
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- Afterlife
- Biophilia Hypothesis
- Conflict Resolution
- Ecopsychology
- Energy As Medicine
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- Esoteric Healing
- Ethereal Being
- Faith Healing
- Gaia
- Gaia Hypothesis
- Healing
- Interdependence
- Introspection
- Meditation
- Modern Evolutionary Synthesis
- Mother Nature
- Mysticism
- Nature
- Nature Connectedness
- Nondualism
- Pachamama
- Peacebuilding
- Religious Experience
- Risks to Earth
- Self Actualization
- Seven Generation Sustainability
- Spiritual Crisis
- Spiritual Enlightenment
- Spirituality
- Supermind
- Transcendence
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- Afterlife
- Biophilia Hypothesis
- Conflict Resolution
- Ecopsychology
- Energy As Medicine
- Enlightenment
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- Esoteric Healing
- Ethereal Being
- Faith Healing
- Gaia
- Gaia Hypothesis
- Healing
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