Green desert| 59mins
Director: Michal Gálik | Producer: Michal Gálik
Focus Years: 2012 | Country: Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
The average European has never been so responsible for the devastation of tropical rainforests as he is today. What is the cause and how can we prevent it?
The answer provides a documentary movie by Michal Galik, which takes us to the other end of the planet, on the tropical island of Borneo. The film reveals startling secrets that lie behind a widely spread and daily used ingredient - palm oil.
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Green desert
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- Palm oil
- Social and environmental impact of palm oil
- Agroecology
- Alternative Communities
- Animal Cognition
- Animal Cruelty
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- Animal Trapping
- Animal Welfare
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- Community-supported agriculture
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- Ecology
- Economic Globalization
- Ecosystem
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- Human-Animal Communication
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- Neoliberalism
- New World Order
- Overexploitation
- Philosophy of Environment
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- Sustainability
- Sustainable Development
- Understanding Environment
- Water Pollution
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