Animal Tracks| 28mins
Director: Jeff Winch | Producer: Jeff Winch
Focus Years: 1995 | Country: Canada
What's it like to be an animal in contemporary society? This experimental documentary explores the North American relationship with animals. Animals as companions, food, curiosities and entertainment are included as the camera drifts through a zoo, museum, farm, a meat packing plant and some living rooms.
Animal Tracks
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Wikipedia :
- Afterlife
- Animal Cognition
- Animal Cruelty
- Animal Ethics
- Animal Rights
- Animal Testing
- Animal Trapping
- Animal Welfare
- Biocultural Evolution
- Conservation
- Deep Ecology
- Enlightenment
- Ethereal Being
- Evolution
- Evolutionary Biology
- Evolutionary Enlightenment
- Human-Animal Communication
- Interdependence
- Introspection
- Meditation
- Modern Evolutionary Synthesis
- Mysticism
- Nature Connectedness
- Nondualism
- Religious Experience
- Self Actualization
- Seven Generation Sustainability
- Sociocultural Evolution
- Speciesism
- Spiritual Crisis
- Spiritual Enlightenment
- Spirituality
- Supermind
- Transcendence
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