Crisis of Life| 21mins
Director: Bruno Walther | Producer: Bruno Walther, Klaus Bardenhagen
Focus Years: 2010 | Country: Germany
The non-profit ‘Crisis of Life’ video project wants to raise awareness that the biodiversity crisis is a global environmental crisis, with consequences for human well-being that are potentially equally as devastating as the threats of the water and pollution crises.
The continuing decrease of plant and animal populations and the resulting extinction of species and unraveling of ecosystems are still too often considered just sad events happening somewhere far away, like the disappearance of charismatic species like tigers and pandas, but not of a threatening nature to daily life.
However, these interviews with leading biodiversity scientists and activists make clear that these biodiversity crashes are increasingly impacting human well-being directly. Especially the quality of life of poor and rural people, but eventually of everybody will be more and more impacted when, for example:
â— fisheries collapse leaving entire communities unemployed,
â— pollinators like bees and butterflies disappear, leaving crops unfertilized and harvests diminished,
â— damaged ecosystems lose the capability of soaking up and cleaning water, leading to devastating floods and mudslides and poisoned and diminished ground water all around the world.
To avoid the usual ‘doom-and-gloom’ predictions, we also make an effort to point out the various benefits of functioning ecosystems based on rich biodiversity as well as solutions to the biodiversity crisis. Many of these solutions are actually interconnected with solutions to the other crises; for example, the production of renewable energy, especially in desert areas and open oceans, would improve biodiversity, food and climate security all at once.
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Crisis of Life
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- Agroecology
- Biodiversity
- Climate Change
- Community-based economics
- Conservation Ethics
- Contemporary Ethics
- Cultural Ecology
- Deep Ecology
- Developmental Economics
- Dharma
- Eco Crisis
- Eco Feminism
- Ecological Footprint
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- Economic Crisis
- Economic Growth
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- Ecotheology
- Environmental Ethics
- Environmentalism
- Ethical Dilemma
- Ethics
- Ethics Of Care
- Ethics of Eating Meat
- Financial crisis of 2007–08
- Habitat Conservation
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- Local economical development
- Moral Psychology
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- Overexploitation
- Philosophy of Environment
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- Sustainability
- Sustainable Development
- Understanding Environment
- Water Pollution
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