Open Sky| 51mins
Director: Iñès COMPAN | Producer: Mosaique Films
Focus Years: 2010 | Country: France
Puna, Argentina.
Kollas natives suddenly find themselves in the center of national and international stakes because of their underground natural resources. Indeed, Standard Silver, a Canadian company, launches an ambitious project of an open-sky silver mine on the abandoned site of Mina Pirquitas, 4,500 m high.
This mine is to become one of the most productive one in Latin America, Standard Silver getting the monopole over the underground natural resources disturbing also the fragile balance of the Kollas natives living on poverty. The Kollas thus become victims of the globalization with this new mining boom associated to the decreasing metal exchange rate, the latter being essential to the technological development of our modern societies.
Open Sky
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- Alternative Communities
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- Community Psychology
- Community-supported agriculture
- Eco-communalism
- Economic Globalization
- Fair Trade
- Globalization
- Human Geography
- Indigenous Intellectual Rights
- Indigenous People
- Indigenous Rights
- Land Rights
- Local Purchasing
- Neoliberalism
- New World Order
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