All Fracked UP 2| 1hr : 41mins
Director: Jeff and Jodi Andrysick | Producer: Jeff and Jodi Andrysick
Focus Years: 2011 | Country: United States
Jeff and Jodi again cut through the gas industry haze machine knowing that the one striking difference between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives. This film exposes the collateral damages of fracking, questioning its sanity while inspiring others to join together to end this colossal mistake.
The film stresses water is fundamental for life, health, and our economy and a pre-requisite to the realization of all other human rights.
All Fracked UP 2 exposes multi-national corporations with their insatiable greed trashing countless irreplaceable aquifers. A farm made film which poignantly reveals that if frack is not stopped much of the world's last remaining fresh water will not be water anymore.
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All Fracked UP 2
1hr : 41mins
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