The Dark Side of Light| 50mins
Director: Anja Freyhoff & Thomas Uhlmann | Producer: Christian Popp
Focus Years: 2008 | Country: Germany
Since the invention of the light bulb, natural darkness is becoming increasingly invaded by artificial light. For a long time light was considered unconditionally as an entirely positive element: the more light the better. It increases safety and has a positive effect on our moods.
But light also has a dark side as scientists around the world have started to reveal. It seems that artificial light emissions during the night are not only bothersome to astronomers who have long since deplored them for making their task of observing stars and planets in the backdrop of an over illuminated sky difficult. Millions of insects and migratory birds are killed by light which alters the natural framework of their lives and disturbs their sense of direction. Plant growth is dangerously disrupted. Many organisms’ biological clocks are unbalanced. Metabolism and human and animal hormone secretion are put to the test. Prolonged exposure to artificial light during the night can cause psychosomatic disturbances and breast cancer among women. “Light Pollution†has dangerous consequences and is dramatically increasing. “The dark side of the light†provides a close look at this phenomenon.
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The Dark Side of Light
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