Free Food and Medicine: The Living Centre Part 2| 33mins
Director: Markus Rothkranz | Producer: Markus Rothkranz
Focus Years: 2011 | Country: United States
The most powerful nutrition and healing medicine is free. "Free Food and Medicine" is the definitive source to introduce health- (and money-) conscious individuals to the wild "weeds", herbs, plants, and resources that are growing right in their own backyard and neighborhood and cost nothing. These resources are all around us: you can find wild plants everywhere on your neighborhood strolls, or grow them in your own backyard or even inside a city apartment. Even potted exotic edible plants can be shipped to your home. This inspirational, comprehensive, highly informative documentary epic self-empowers people to take matters into their own hands and dramatically change their health for the better. The REAL superfoods are in your own backyard and they are FREE!
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Free Food and Medicine: The Living Centre Part 2
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- Afterlife
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- Agroforestry
- Biophilia Hypothesis
- Climate Change and Agriculture
- Community-supported agriculture
- Conflict Resolution
- Ecopsychology
- Energy As Medicine
- Enlightenment
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- Esoteric Healing
- Ethereal Being
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- Famine
- Farmers Market
- Food desert
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- Food security
- Food Sovereignty
- Food vs fuel
- Forest Farming
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- Gaia Hypothesis
- Genetically modified food
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- Organic Farming
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- Philosophy of Agriculture
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- Science of Agriculture
- Self Actualization
- Seven Generation Sustainability
- Spiritual Crisis
- Spiritual Enlightenment
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- Supermind
- Sustainable agriculture
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