Green Ambassadors| 4mins
Director: Lynne Cherry | Producer: Lynne Cherry
Focus Years: 2013 | Country: United States
Empowering youth to be agents of change in their communities and world.
The Green Ambassador Program is truly an organic grass-roots program that was developed by students, for students, and for the benefit of the world that the students will inherit. Their strategy through all of their programs is to provide experiences for the Green Ambassadors to acquire knowledge and develop the skills that will not only help them in this program, but also provide them with real-world skills for personal, academic, and professional success The students take the issue, research and develop solutions, and socially market the solution to their peers and the community at-large.
Learn more: http://greenambassadors.org
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Green Ambassadors
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- Agroecology
- Alternative Communities
- Biodiversity
- Climate Change
- Collective
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- Communities
- Community Psychology
- Community-supported agriculture
- Cultural Ecology
- Deep Ecology
- Eco Crisis
- Eco Feminism
- Eco-communalism
- Ecological Crisis
- Ecological Footprint
- Ecological Modernization
- Ecology
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- Local Purchasing
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- Social Change
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- Spiritual Crisis
- Spiritual Transformation
- Sustainability
- Sustainable Development
- Transformation
- Transition Movement
- Understanding Environment
- Water Pollution
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