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Expédition Grand Rift : Hunger cities, the end of the field (Episode 5)| 26mins
Director: Loïc and Geoffroy de la Tullaye | Producer: Loïc and Geoffroy de la Tullaye
Focus Years: 2012 | Country: France
Subject Tags: africa, community, farming, food, kenya, livelihood, water
Quality Tags: Optimistic, Slow, Activating, Harmonizing
In this episode, the brothers show us once again the importance of education, innovation and impacts of climate change on the livelihoods of traditional African tribes. Given the population growth in cities such campaigns are increasingly under pressure to find practical solutions to address the needs of populations and practices. In Kibera, the largest slum in Nairobi and one of the largest unregulated residential areas, Geoffroy and Loïc discover a most unusual innovation... It is with the NGO Solidarités International they enter houses and lands of the residents of Kibera, they are interested in a bag that produces enough food for a family ...Faced with the constant migration of men and women to the cities, a center for research on livestock (ILRI), has established a fund to ensure the lost livestock during drought. Unlike other initiatives, this insurance operates through monitoring by satellite images. In Marsabit, a village that enjoys the benefits of the research center, Loïc and Geoffroy show us the difference between the reality of researchers and the farmers. This background helps to keep their livestock, but the real difficulty is overgrazing which is linked to population growth where every member wants to have the best possible livestock to keep his rank, a practice and belief of the tribe they met, the Boran.
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