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Expédition Grand Rift : Small grain golden brown (Episode 7)| 26mins
Director: Loïc and Geoffroy de la Tullaye | Producer: Loïc and Geoffroy de la Tullaye
Focus Years: 2012 | Country: France
Subject Tags: africa, ecology, environment, ethiopia, farming
Quality Tags: Optimistic, Slow, Activating, Harmonizing
Geoffroy and Loïc, our water adventurers continue their expedition along the Great Rift Africa to understand the links between water, agricultural practices and population growth to climate change. In this episode, they will meet Hamers, coffee farmers, actors involved in the reforestation of the land, before sharing a coffee ceremony with a family ... Immersion in every sense of the word! Having broken nose on the Omo River Geoffroy and Loïc continue their ascent to Addis Ababa. It is here, under the canopy of these mountainous regions, richly endowed with water and sun, the coffee (Coffea arabica) was born. This export culture is one of the pillars of the growth of the economy. Ethiopia faces the evil that characterizes the transition economies: deforestation. In order to meet the growing energy needs and the need to always put more land under cultivation, Ethiopians, whose population continues to grow, cut their forests. They ignore that vegetation is the basis of development. Geoffroy and Loïc trying to understand what are the alternatives available to Ethiopia to meet the challenge of population growth without jeopardizing the foundations for its development. After their adventures along the Omo River, Geoffroy and Loïc share the life of Hamers, semi-nomadic pastoralists. Geoffroy and Loïc fall under the spell of the people who pay great attention to their appearance and beauty. They drip coffee, an important tradition in Ethiopia and decide they have to go to a cafe culture tomorrow. At night, Geoffroy follows men and women for a night of dancing beauty. Geoffroy and Loïc visit a coffee farm where they attend stages of coffee production: culture, cleaning, washing and drying. They learn that 3 liters of water is required to produce 1 kilo of coffee. Culture depends on the season in a country where coffee is essential for both the economy and society. Geoffroy concludes, "It takes a lot of love for good coffee! " Geoffroy and Loïc arrive in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia. They are invited by a family to share the traditional tea ceremony ... Just the smell of delicious coffee feels like drinking a cup!
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