Universe| 12mins
Director: Mudbrick Media | Producer: Mudbrick Media
Focus Years: 2009 | Country: United States
Is it possible for distant galaxies to be moving away from us faster than the speed of light? And if it is, would it be possible for us to see them? Surprisingly, the answer to both questions is a resounding YES. How is this possible? How can something travel faster than the speed of light? Today we will try and paint an accurate picture of the universe based on the Lambda-Cold-Dark-Matter model, which is the best cosmological model today. Once we have painted that picture, the answers to our questions will be straightforward.
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Wikipedia :
- Agronomy
- Alternative Education
- Ayurveda
- Cosmology
- Cultural Behavior
- Education
- Genetics
- Herbalism
- History of Education
- History Of Science
- Illiteracy
- Naturopathy
- Naturophathy
- Neuroscience
- Philosophy Of Education
- Philosophy Of Science
- Psychology Of Education
- Science
- Sociology Of Education
- Special Education
- Spiritual Neuroscience
- Traditional Medicine
- World Literacy Rate Index
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Explore Wikipedia:
- Agronomy
- Alternative Education
- Ayurveda
- Cosmology
- Cultural Behavior
- Education
- Genetics
- Herbalism
- History of Education
- History Of Science
- Illiteracy
- Naturopathy
- Naturophathy
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