Songs About Moscow| 4mins
Director: Mila Ugolkova | Producer: Veronika Dolina
Focus Years: 2009 | Country: Russian Federation
Vysotsky worked in the theater in Taganka. The theater was banned for over 70 years, but by the mid-seventies, Taganka was fast becoming one of the major theatrical centers in the world. At the international theater festival "Bitef" in Yugoslavia (1976), the play "Hamlet" (starring Vladimir Vysotsky and staged by Yuri Lyubimov) was awarded the Grand Prize prize on 25 July 1980. Vysotsky died in his sleep at his Moscow apartment. On the day of his funeral, even the roofs of Taganskaya buildings around the square were filled with people. Vysotsky had buried, it seemed, all of Moscow which stood in half-empty stadiums, although no official report of death was made....
Songs About Moscow
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