Ainsi Soit-Il| 5mins
Director: Isabelle Agid | Producer: Luc Besson
Focus Years: 2009 | Country: France
Despite her young age, Matilda is lucid enough yet to understand the social distress of which she will be the witness. On her way to church with her parents, she catches sight of a man, though well dressed, rummaging among a garbage can searching for food. Her spontaneous compassionate gesture, then, has nothing to do with any clear consciousness or pity. Matilda perceives things that society is unable to solve successfully, and no longer pays attention to any more. She spontaneously refuses to submit herself to the world order which leaves so many people on the side of the road. In other words, she refuses this schizophrenia, where "what we say" contradicts "what we do". Millions of children, men and women, living on the fringe of society, suffer their poverty. Some like the man Matilda meets, who only have their dignity as social status. If truth comes out from children's mouths, here, reality is seen by a child's eyes.
Ainsi Soit-Il
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