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Puzzling Reality| 20mins
Director: Kjell Andersson | Producer: Kjell Andersson
Focus Years: 2003 | Country: Sweden
Subject Tags: culture, education, europe, health, relationships, sweden
Quality Tags: Optimistic, Slow, Activating, Harmonizing
How do persons with profound intellectual disability experience their world? There exists a sizeable group of people whom we hardly ever see. When we meet them, we usually feel embarrassed. They are persons with profound intellectual disability, adults in particular. These persons have no means of making themselves heard, in fact most of them cannot communicate verbally. They may have the intelligence of children and are indeed often treated as such, yet they have the experience and the needs of adults. How do these people feel? What is their everyday life like? Do they have dignified and meaningful lives at all? In Mölndal, near Gothenburg, a unique project is taking place. Three severely intellectually disabled adults live together in a housing co-operative. They are between 26 and 36 years old. Pia is a sweet girl. She has no speech, and communicates with her eyes. You have to divine her needs and her feelings through eye contact. She loves music and horse riding. Niclas is a young man with a degree of autism. He speaks clearly but very incoherently, and often comes across as funny. He is quite blind, but loves to watch television. Swimming is one of his favourite pastimes. Susanna, the third tenant, is rather loud-voiced and has very distinct body language. When they wish, they can enjoy companionship which means a lot to them. They have their own assistants, since they all need attention and care 24 hours a day. They live in their own individual flats, and their days are filled with activity. We accompany these three over a period of time, try to mirror their experiences of life and to find answers to some of the essential questions about life that also we ask ourselves.

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