Uncle David| 15mins
Director: Shyla Lee | Producer: Shyla Lee
Focus Years: 2010 | Country: United Kingdom
This is a story about how one man is single-handedly using his retirement years to try and improve his neighbourhood. For the last five years, David has been walking around his local streets with his dog Meg, picking litter and removing graffiti from walls and trees. He finds it difficult to pass neglected public spaces, and feels the need to try and improve the physical and social landscape around him.
He is an example of a spirit and attitude that has often been eroded from our towns and cities as people keep to themselves and feel unable to contribute or affect their own communities.
Uncle David
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- Afterlife
- Alternative Education
- Biodiversity
- Climate Change
- Cultural Behavior
- Education
- Enlightenment
- Environmentalism
- Ethereal Being
- Habitat Conservation
- Health
- History of Education
- Illiteracy
- Interdependence
- Introspection
- Meditation
- Modern Evolutionary Synthesis
- Mysticism
- Nature Connectedness
- Nondualism
- Overexploitation
- Philosophy Of Education
- Philosophy of Environment
- Pollution
- Psychology Of Education
- Religious Experience
- Self Actualization
- Seven Generation Sustainability
- Sociology Of Education
- Special Education
- Spiritual Crisis
- Spiritual Enlightenment
- Spirituality
- Supermind
- Sustainability
- Transcendence
- Understanding Environment
- Water Pollution
- World Environmental Issues
- World Literacy Rate Index
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