For Good| 41mins
Director: Christine Booth | Producer: Royal College of Art
Focus Years: 1979 | Country: United Kingdom
"For Good" was made some thirty years ago. It is a documentary without commentary and features Angie, Helen and Geoff, who were all born with cerebral palsy. We see their daily triumphs and frustrations and hear them describe, with some humour, living in "an able-bodied world". When the film was televised in the UK, it was the first time that people with speech disabilities had been allowed to "speak for themselves on national television". In the last 30 years, some things have changed for the better for disabled people but, still, in the words of Angie, "I've always said that it's society that makes you handicapped, not your disability." Since this film was made, Angie and her husband raised a son, now 26 years old and a 6-foot-tall rugby player. Tragically, her husband, Tony, died five years ago in an accident. She now runs her own consultancy company, advising disabled people on independent living. Geoff has been awarded an O.B.E. and Helen has gained a degree.
For Good
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