Life After Diamonds| 11mins
Director: Sheryle Carlson | Producer: Larissa Stendie
Focus Years: 2009 | Country: Canada
"Life After Diamonds" highlights the destruction and challenges faced in mining communities in the post-war diamondiferous regions in Sierra Leone. Cooperatives in the Kono district are engaging in reclamation of wasted mining sites into agricultural productive land to create food security, encourage wider industry adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility and promote improved legislation. The refilling of pits protects fresh water and ground water sources by reducing erosion and siltation of streams. It also benefits communities as it can minimize health concerns such as stagnant water, drownings, and breeding of mosquitoes in unfilled pits. Land reclamation is beneficial to communities as it can be useful in asserting solutions for social development issues such as eradicating extreme hunger and poverty by providing more land for food production and alternative livelihoods. Shot in March and April 2009, "Life After Diamonds" was created by Canadian volunteers Larissa Stendie and Sheryle Carlson, partnering with production team at the Environmental Foundation for Africa.
Life After Diamonds
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