The Blessings of Metapsychiatry| 57mins
Director: Nancy Rosanoff | Producer: Sunnyside Productions
Focus Years: 2006 | Country: United States
The video documentary introduces Metapsychiatry through stories of healing, inner peace, and inspiration. Metapsychiatry is a spiritual teaching and a method of healing developed by Dr. Thomas Hora (1914-1995). One phrase that summarizes the teaching of Metapsychiatry is: "All problems are psychological, but all solutions are spiritual."
The documentary was commissioned by the PAGL Foundation in an effort to archive and document stories from students who had studied Metapsychiatry with Dr. Hora in its formative years. "PAGL" stands for Peace, Assurance, Gratitude and Love, characteristics of consciousness in harmony with divine reality according to the teachings of Metapsychiatry. The PAGL Foundation exists to make these teachings available.
The stories of healing cover a broad range of issues including: severe pain, fibroid tumors, social anxiety, shock and grief. More important than the healing of symptoms is the awareness of peace, assurance, gratitude and love as the ever-present underlying qualities of Life that are realized by students of this profound method.
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The Blessings of Metapsychiatry
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