Ecstasy of Death 7.0| 19mins
Director: Janja Rakus | Producer: Janja Rakus
Focus Years: 2013 | Country: Slovenia
Ecstasy of Death in Seven Weeks
Multidimensional journey inspired by Tibetan Book of the Dead
Audiovisual Prayer for the Soul between Death and Rebirth
And what is Death? Death is Portal for a Seed immortal.
Ecstasy of Death 7.0
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- Conflict Resolution
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- Esoteric Healing
- Ethereal Being
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- Interdependence
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- Modern Evolutionary Synthesis
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- Peacebuilding
- Physiology
- Religious Experience
- Self Actualization
- Seven Generation Sustainability
- Spiritual Crisis
- Spiritual Enlightenment
- Spirituality
- Supermind
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- Afterlife
- Conflict Resolution
- Energy As Medicine
- Enlightenment
- Epidemiology
- Esoteric Healing
- Ethereal Being
- Faith Healing
- Genetics
- Healing
- Human Body
- Interdependence
- Introspection
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