On Three Modes of Focusing in Therapy| 1hr : 26mins
Director: Nada Lou | Producer: Nada Lou
Focus Years: 2012 | Country: Canada
The outline of Dr. Ikemi's presentation is both a systematic and flowing delivery of what feels like a continuing story full of interesting twists, references to history, art, philosophy, psychology, and activities that touch and resonate deeply. As the producer of this DVD I tried to help the viewer experience this flow. Many methods for genuine deep inner guidance and healing are blended with music, texts, and photography into a gem of Akira's brilliance and artistry.
Beautiful stories and memorable references are skillfully interwoven in this DVD: A live demonstration of CAS; Beautiful Haiku; Revisiting the Myth of Narcissus and Echo; Collage work by Dr. Ikemi's clients and participants illustrates the rich sources of healing and many, many mini-focusing skills.
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On Three Modes of Focusing in Therapy
1hr : 26mins
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