The Love Prophet and the Children of God| 56mins
Director: Abbey Jack Neidik | Producer: Irene Angelico, Abbey Jack Neidik
Focus Years: 1998 | Country: Canada
"The Love Prophet and the Children of God" is a riveting inside look at one of the world’s most enigmatic religious movements and its infamous founder, David Berg.
Bringing together a ragged band of hippies, drop-outs, and Jesus freaks, Berg preaches the Endtime apocalypse, sparks the “Revolution for Jesusâ€, and institutes the notorious practice of “flirty fishingâ€â€”sleeping with potential converts to win over souls. This bizarre sexual approach entices a new flock of converts, swelling the Children of God’s membership to well over 50,000 by the late 70s. It also catches the attention of the media who brand them the “sex for salvation cult.â€
Parents and detractors level charges of brainwashing and child abuse against the group, leading to midnight raids of their homes around the world and major court battles for the custody of their children.
Today, the Children of God have changed their name to The Family and altered many of their more unusual practices. Still, they insist they are victims of religious persecution. Are they spiritual seekers or dangerous charlatans? Through the portrayal of a charismatic leader and his devoted followers, 'The Love Prophet and the Children of God' explores the evolution of this new religious movement, and the thin line between faith and blind faith.
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The Love Prophet and the Children of God
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