Motorbike Midwife| 24mins
Director: Masumi Higashi | Producer: Masumi Higashi
Focus Years: 2012 | Country: Japan
- Life and death as a daily challenge for a Ghanaian motorbike midwife dedicated to emergency maternal care -
Motorbike Midwife tracks the Herculean efforts of a fearless nurse, Linda Mba as she rides a motorbike across remote parts of Ghana to save mothers’ and babies’ lives. With painful births come great personal joys for all, plagued by medical complications, poor facilities and dangerous roads.
Motorbike Midwife
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- Birth rate in Ghana
- Midwife
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- Gender Studies
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- Philosophy Of Education
- Physiology
- Pollution and Its Effects
- Psychology Of Education
- Public Health
- Socio-cultural Evolution
- Sociocultural Evolution
- Sociology Of Education
- Special Education
- Vaccination
- World Literacy Rate Index
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