"What's wrong with the greeks?"| 58mins
Director: Alexandra Pascalidou | Producer: Mikael Hansson, Alexandra Pascalidou
Focus Years: 2013 | Country: Sweden
Alexandra Pascalidou, famous journalist and TV-presenter and producer, returned to her home country to examine what went wrong. How could the cradle of democracy suddenly become its graveyard? How did the financial crisis manage to take Greece from a euphoric Euro-rain to deep depression. Who's to blame and who are the victims of the worst crisis a European country has experienced in modern times? How did Greece become the Achilles heel of the Eurozone? Alexandra meets people from all walks of life. From hairdressers to homeless to members of Parliament. The film was made for Swedish Television and broadcast in the Nordic Countries while Alexandra was writing her praised book "Chaos- a Greek dictionary of the crisis".
"What's wrong with the greeks?"
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