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To Forgive.... Divine| 44mins
Director: Hilary Pryor | Producer: Hilary Pryor for May Street Productions Ltd
Focus Years: 2005 | Country: Canada
Subject Tags: americas, belief, canada, conflict, freewill, healing, her workers, society, the mother
Quality Tags: Optimistic, Slow, Activating, Harmonizing
The filmmaker examines the concept of forgiveness in the documentary from the perspective of several world religions, secular thinkers and intimate personal stories. These stories, interwoven with rituals of Judaism's Yom Kippur and the Christian Sacrament of Reconciliation, demonstrate forgiveness in a variety of human situations. We hear from individuals who have suffered deep personal wounds from intra-family betrayal, or individual acts of crime and violence, and are reminded of the wider cruelties of racial hatred and international hostility. It is through these extraordinary people who have found the power and the grace to truly forgive, that we are provided with some of the guideposts to understand the concept of forgiveness.
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To Forgive.... Divine | 44mins

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Hilary Pryor



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