Filtering Futures: A Story of Long Island Livelihood & Shellfish| 22mins
Director: Gareth Burghes | Producer: Gareth Burghes
Focus Years: 2013 | Country: United States
Beneath the waves off the coast of Long Island there is buried treasure. A once hugely profitable industry, shell fishing is a dying lifestyle. Known as bay men, their way of life is almost extinct. The only hope in restoration lies at the bottom of the bay.
Shellfish like oysters, clams, and scallops filter microorganisms out of the water. With so few of these shellfish left the bays are being taken over by large algae blooms. Once plentiful, the bays are now almost deserts.
Many fishing communities across the globe face similar blooms. To what point can we restore the bays of Long Island?
Filtering Futures: A Story of Long Island Livelihood & Shellfish
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