Fractured Country- An Uncoventional Invasion| 40mins
Director: Brendan Shoebridge | Producer: Boudicca Cerese, Carmel Flint, Annie Kia
Focus Years: 2013 | Country: Australia
Fractured Country tells the story of the boom in unconventional gas exploration and extraction currently taking place right across in Australia and the threats it poses to the natural icons, food-producing lands and water resources of the Australian continent. It also tells the story of the gutsy individuals and resourceful communities across the country who are working together to stop the invasion of the gas mining giants. This film is an informative, uplifting and empowering story of how communities can succeed in protecting land and water and all that they hold dear for future generations.
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Fractured Country- An Uncoventional Invasion
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Wikipedia :
- Agriculture in Australia
- Air pollution
- Atmospheric methane
- Coal companies of Australia
- Coal Seam Gas (CSG)
- Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing
- Hydraulic fracturing
- Land clearing in Australia
- Methane
- Mining in Australia
- Regulation of hydraulic fracturing
- Reverse osmosis
- Climate Change
- Conservation Ethics
- Depletion of Resources
- Eco Crisis
- Ecological Footprint
- Ecosystem
- Environmental Ethics
- Environmentalism
- Natural Resources
- Overexploitation
- Pollution
- Pollution and Its Effects
- Resources
- Water Pollution
- World Environmental Issues
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Explore Wikipedia:
- Agriculture in Australia
- Air pollution
- Atmospheric methane
- Coal companies of Australia
- Coal Seam Gas (CSG)
- Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing
- Hydraulic fracturing
- Land clearing in Australia
- Methane
- Mining in Australia
- Regulation of hydraulic fracturing
- Reverse osmosis
- Climate Change
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