One day, everything will be free| 1hr : 21mins
Director: Joseph Redwood Martinez | Producer: Joseph Redwood Martinez
Focus Years: 2013 | Country: United States
DOC: Sadhana Forest is an ecological restoration project run by a utopian community located in one of the most politically complicated and environmentally degraded terrains in the world—in an area of referred to locally as "the wasteland."
One day, everything will be free
1hr : 21mins
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Wikipedia :
- Afforestation
- Carbonate
- Charcoal
- Deforestation
- Gift economy
- Reforestation
- Selfless service
- Utopia
- Agriculture
- Agroforestry
- Circles Of Sustainability
- Conservation Biology
- Downshifting
- Eco-communalism
- Ecological Crisis
- Ecological Literacy
- Ecological Modernization
- Forest Farming
- Forest Gardening
- Off-the-grid
- Organic Farming
- Philosophy of Agriculture
- Resilience
- Seven Generation Sustainability
- Social Change
- Sustainability
- Sustainable agriculture
- Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Living
- Voluntary Simplicity
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Explore Wikipedia:
- Afforestation
- Carbonate
- Charcoal
- Deforestation
- Gift economy
- Reforestation
- Selfless service
- Utopia
- Agriculture
- Agroforestry
- Circles Of Sustainability
- Conservation Biology
- Downshifting
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