New Zealand Streams - The Fight to keep them 1080 Poison-free (revised 2015)| 35mins
Director: Clyde Graf | Producer: The Graf Boys
Focus Years: 2015 | Country: New Zealand
New Zealand: "100% Pure", "Clean & Green", a land of milk and honey...
A great country it is! However, there is an internal conflict, a conflict that many locals claim contradicts the very catchphrases and branding used to promote it.
Every year, government departments and agencies aerially spread the deadly pesticide 1080 poison across New Zealand's majestic forests and pristine streams. Enough poison to kill the entire population, many times over.
The poison-laced food is spread by helicopters to kill rats, possums, deer, pigs and, inadvertently, native wildlife, farm stock and pets. The poison is also an insecticide, with no known antidote.
The users claim the practice is safe, and often deny the poison is dropped directly into the forest streams. However, the evidence contradicting these claims is hard to ignore.
Farmers, doctors, scientists, bushmen and local communities all make up the groups that are calling for change. This is their story...
New Zealand Streams - The Fight to keep them 1080 Poison-free (revised 2015)
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