Dead River| 24mins
Director: Nguyen Thi Thu Trang | Producer: Nguyen Thi Thu Trang
Focus Years: 2011 | Country: Viet Nam
The content of the film is water pollution in the village of Cham Khe, Phong Khe Dist, Bac Ninh city. This is a village located in a very dynamic economic zone of Bac Ninh. More than 10 years from a village of their neck, a farming village with traditional crafts made of "Do" paper, it has transformed into an industrial park specializing in manufacturing paper famous in the country with sales revenues in 2007 reached about 280 billion.
Rapid urbanization and industrialization alter the environment and threaten the beautiful river in Châm Khê village, a traditional village of the old Quan ho folk songs. This film is the director’s message to the public about pollution and cultural change.
Dead River
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