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Opening Film: Green Unplugged 2015| 14mins
Director: CultureUnplugged | Producer: CultureUnplugged
Focus Years: 2015 | Country: United States
Subject Tags: animals as friends, asia, earth as mother, ecology, economies, environment, global, india, simplicity, sustainability
Quality Tags: Optimistic, Slow, Activating, Harmonizing
human vision of ‘Green’ / toned through traditions, trends, tempests. /// what hue do you imbue? /// do you see? the ever Green impulse of life / that infinite ground of being / in motion eternally, / fomenting, fertilizing, flourishing for harmony, in atomic~cosmic world! /// do you experience? the pull upward into canopy / that organic, dynamic, ever-expanding presence above, / enveloping you, me, us, them & that, / in dark, deep & bright - loving, blissful light! /// do you sense? the instinct at work in human tribe / incarnation gross & green revealed in ‘mine’, / that dream of abundance, freedom, love, joy / twisted a-knot in our gut & mind, / saturating our greed, muddling up need, not to be kind / veiling soul, the savior ~in success~ / shadowing our structures, systems, sight, / drawing us to the state of corruption cathartic, / crisis conspicuous!..... ///
Above: an excerpt from the poetic expression of "what is: Green Unplugged."
About Green Unplugged: This festival aspires to explore the nature that flows without and within us.The festival intends to contemplate on the environment and the need to co-create future generations with love and respect for mother earth. It wishes to overlap the sound of our cry today with that of nature and hopes to collectively perceive a new path. At this festival, together we promote films that may help us all wake to our holistic future - an integral individual and human community thriving in co-existence with nature. With co-operation from all participants and supporters, the festival hopes to bring context to our existence and reveal the evolving divine - the truth of life, hidden in nature's dream of tomorrow.
Discover films on: Climate Change, Personification of Earth as Mother, The Latest Scientific Discoveries, Voices from Farmlands & Food Purveyors, Livelihood & Co-existence, Changing Lifestyles, New Vision on Market/Economy, Observation of Human Consumption Pattern...
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