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The Cross of the Moment| 1hr : 24mins
Director: Jacob Freydont Attie | Producer: Jacob Freydont Attie
Focus Years: 2015 | Country: United States
Subject Tags: americas, consciousness, duty, earth, ecology, ecology, economies, economy, energy, environment, ethics, global, globalization, industry, resources, science, society, spiritual scientists, superconscient visions, the mother, united states
Quality Tags: Optimistic, Slow, Activating, Harmonizing
DOC: A deep-green/deep-time, highly cerebral discussion of the environmental crisis, The Cross of the Moment attempts to connect the dots between Fermi's Paradox, climate change, capitalism, and collapse. Interviews with top scientists and public intellectuals are woven together into a narrative that is challenging, exhausting, and often depressing as it refuses to accept the easy answers posited by other overly-simplistic climate change documentaries. No fancy graphics or distracting introductions detract from what is essentially an 80-minute constructed conversation among a group of highly informed experts on the most important topic in human history: Will our species survive catastrophic climate change? The film is divided into seven chapters that start from the widest perspective, why do we appear to be alone in the galaxy, and slowly narrows its focuses through a series of topics including Rare Earth Theory, human impact on the biosphere, potential solutions, structural barriers to implementation, the possibility of the collapse of civilization, and a final call for immediate engagement at all levels of society. Interviewees are Don Brownlee, Roger Carasso, Robin Hanson, Mark Jacobson, Derrick Jensen, David Klein, Bill McKibben, Guy McPherson, Bill Patzert, Gary Snyder, Jill Stein, Peter Ward, and Josh Willis.
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Jacob Freydont-Attie

United States


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