La beauté c'est ta tête| 1hr
Director: ZimmerFrei | Producer: Serena Gramizzi
Focus Years: 2015 | Country: Italy
The film is part of Temporary Cities, a documentary film series produced by ZimmerFrei in the last three years within the festival network InSitu, dedicated to art in public spaces. The documentaries are portraits of cities in transformation, filmed from the point of view of a very little spot and a small community, which casts a particular gaze on an ongoing urban development and the related social and cultural changes.
The Capital of Culture 2013 was the cultural framework that has accompanied the redesign of the waterfront in Marseille, but the process of city-branding and gentrification covered an idea of very aggressive social engineering and new exclusions that drive many of the inhabitants of the neighbourhoods to move or close in gated communities that share only the fact of being poor, foreign or alienated.
ZimmerFrei elected as its base Mon Bar, a tiny bar next to the market of Noailles, a little harbour lived as a refuge, a stage, a second home or first aid. The film mixes the days of regulars who daily stop over the bar, follows their paths, derails, reel, drowns and returns to the same point of departure, as a piece of cork floating in the surf.
The cities that have preceded Marseille are Brussels, Copenhagen, Budapest and Santarcangelo di Romagna (Italy).
La beauté c'est ta tête
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