'I' Is The Opium Of Spirituality But The Dealer No One Can Find| 2hr : 50mins
Director: Mooji Foundation | Producer: Mooji Foundation
Focus Years: 2016 | Country: Portugal
Satsang with Sri Mooji
Recorded on the 17th of March, 2016 in Rishikesh, India
"Don't want to be anything. Don't want to be anything. The minute you want to be something, resistance comes. Don't want to be anything. Let everything burn, let everything happen. Don't want to be anything. Don't even want to be on a journey.
If you want to be on a journey, all of a sudden you find yourself on a journey. There's something that's not taking a journey. There is something that appears to be taking journey--let that happen alongside, but don't be so much in that. Be in that which is not taking journey. And then you may enjoy the play of a journey..."
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'I' Is The Opium Of Spirituality But The Dealer No One Can Find
2hr : 50mins
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