Opening Film: Culture Unplugged Festival 2016| 30mins
Director: CultureUnplugged | Producer: CultureUnplugged
Focus Years: 2016 | Country: United States
Culture Unplugged Festival aspires to explore the life integral – the human perception and experience of the 'self'. The festival hopes to gather 'us', the global citizens, to witness the present crisis, contemplations and creative visions. It intends to connect seers and seekers, storytellers and viewers – in the hope of facilitating a collective experience of compassion and mutuality of contribution – of facilitating and continuing 'the work' towards the future.
Discover the glimpse of the evolving divine in life, the context for our current existence, the truth hidden in the dream of tomorrow, through films – the prayerful expressions of world-storytellers shared freely at this festival, in the hope of connecting humanity beyond borders to make 'that' dream of the future a reality.
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Opening Film: Culture Unplugged Festival 2016
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