Cross Country - A Look at Life in Rural England| 8mins
Director: Elliot Manches | Producer: Elliot Manches
Focus Years: 2009 | Country: United Kingdom
This film was part of a research project, and incorporated ethnography to explore the lives of those living in rural England. Managed by OPM and produced by Elliot Manches, it was made for the Commission For Rural Communities, to gain a better insight into the present challenges and future issues facing those living in rural areas, and to help in the development of useful and relevant public policy. Three participants were involved as case studies, each representing different demographics.
Cross Country - A Look at Life in Rural England
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- Aid
- Cohousing
- Community Development
- Cycle of Poverty
- Development Theory
- Diseases of Poverty
- Economic Inequality
- Extreme Poverty
- Global Poverty Index
- Homelessness
- Low-energy Building
- Malnutrition
- Passive Solar Building Design
- Planning
- Poverty
- Poverty Reduction
- Poverty Threshold
- Rationalization
- Self-build
- Social Change
- Social Progress
- Socio-cultural Evolution
- Starvation
- Sustainable Architecture
- Sustainable Housing
- Understanding Slums
- Urban Planning
- Welfare
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