Women Behind the Camera| 1hr : 29mins
Director: Alexis Krasilovsky | Producer: Alexis Krasilovsky and Vanessa Smith
Focus Years: 2007 | Country: United States
Short synopsis: "Women Behind the Camera" reveals the courageous lives of pioneer camerawomen from Hollywood to Bollywood, from war zones to children's laughter, in a way that had never been seen before when it was released in 2007. This global documentary celebrates not only the survival of pioneer camerawomen in a male-dominated field, but an entire generation of camerawomen's visions. For more information, see www.womenbehindthecamera.com
240-word synopsis:
This global documentary explores the lives of camerawomen in Hollywood and Bollywood, Afghanistan, Australia, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, India, Iran, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Senegal, Spain, the US and other countries. American camerawomen include top Directors of Photography Ellen Kuras, ASC ("Eternal Sunshine of the Sp0otless Mind"), Sandi SIssel, ASC ("Salaam Bombay!") and pioneers like African-American camerawoman Jessie Maple Patton --- who had to sue the union and television networks to get a job. Teresa Media, AEC, Spain's first female Director of Photography - who has also worked in Hollywood - is also featured.
For six years, the filmmakers followed the lives of over 50 camerawomen, from video journalists risking their lives in war zones, to feature DP's, shooting buddies-withy-guns escaping in slow motion from total destruction on commercial sets. From secret films by camerawomen of the Taliban beating Afghani women, to historic footage by China's first camerawomen of Mao's travels through the Chinese countryside... From the narrative of a Russian filmmaker who filmed the fall of the Soviet Union, whose choice of career is told as a love story...to rural India, where subsistence-level women are taught camerawork as a means of empowerment...to the glowing young Senegalese camerawomen willing to climb onto a man's shoulders--literally--to get her subject, Professor Krasilovsky shows us a world of beauty, courage and technical skill.
Women Behind the Camera
1hr : 29mins
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